Christmas Gala & Concert 2024

On behalf of the South West Riverside County IEJC (SWRC-IEJC) Community Choir, We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering participation and support in our yearly Christmas program.
Your commitment, contributions throughout the years has been most appreciated and enthusiasm have greatly enriched our musical journey .
As the year draws to a close, we are excited to announce our annual Year-End Christmas /Gala Concert Fundraiser, which will take place on December 7, 2024, This years theme is " Come Let Us Adore Him".
This event is not only a Joyous Celebration but also a fundraiser for SWRC Community Choir, each year we give over 300 "New Coat & Toys" to the Community, and this year we have added the "Rites Of Passage" African Americian Graduation 2025.
Thank you for your dedication and support.
Warm regards,