Sponsorship Levels
Southwest Riverside County-Inland Empire (SWRC-Inland Empire) ia a 501C3 organization.
Our aim is giving back to our communities and provide unique and exciting opportunies for families and entertainment, as well as networking, professional development.
We are partnering up with different communities,and churches for workshops, back to school activities community concerts and more.
Your kind donations make this possible. All checks should be made payable to SWRC-IEJC organization.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.
The Golden Level -$7500.00
2 full page ad in official SWRC-IEJC PROGRAM BOOK (Front cover ).
15 VIP Event tickets to community concerts, spomsored by SWRC-IEJC .
Your business logo or name displayed on the SWRC-IEJC website for 2 years.
Plaque presentation on stage.
60 second promotional multimedia presentation.
Silver Level - $5000
1 full page ad in official SWRC-IEJC program book ( back cover only).
8 VIP Community concerts or event tickets.
Your business logo or name displayed on the SWRC-IEJCwebsite for 1 year.
Plaque presentation on stage.
30 second promotional multimedia presentation.
Ruby Level - $3000
1 Full Page in official SWRC-IEJC program book.
2 VIP Community concerts or Event tickets.
Stage recognition.
Your business logo or name displayed on theSWRC-IEJC website for 1 year.
Plaque presentation on stage.
Crystal Level - $1000
One ¼ page ad in the official SWRC-IEJC program book.
7 General concert or event tickets.
Official Certificate of Appreciation.
Logo or personal name on the SWRC page for 1 year.
Emerald Level-$500.00
5 General concert or event tickets.
Official Certificate of Appreciation.
Logo or personal name on the SWRC page for 1 year.